Intrinsic Living Academy

Discover Your Inner Peace and Thrive

Are you feeling overwhelmed by the demands of your career and personal life?

Struggling to find time for family or detach from work stress?

Feeling stuck in your job, fearing industry changes, or losing control of your life’s direction?

If these challenges resonate with you, you’re not alone. Our unique service is designed to help you navigate these struggles and find balance, peace, and renewed purpose.

We understand your unique challenges.

Our 12-WEEK INNER GROWTH PROGRAM – (Intrinsic Living) is specifically designed for people like you, who seek to reclaim their OWN PERSONAL POWER and achieve LIFE BALANCE.

Through this TRANSFORMATIVE JOURNEY, you’ll:

Learn how to live in your own personal power

Intrinsically understand the differences between your ego, identity, limited mindset and the authentic YOU

Rediscover inner peace and happiness

Learn to detach from work and life stress

Create more meaningful family time

Have guilt free fun again

Build resilience against industry changes

Empower yourself to thrive personally and professionally

How We Work Together

At Intrinsic Living, our approach is all about creating a comfortable and supportive environment where you can grow and thrive as your best self.

We believe in guiding you to rediscover your true self, helping you find balance, manage stress, and align with your core values. Our methods are designed to feel natural and intuitive, making your journey as seamless and enjoyable as possible.

Our Process

  • Discovery: 
    We’ll start by getting to know you—your goals, challenges, and aspirations. This helps us understand how we can best support you on your journey.


  • Guidance: 
    Using a variety of tailored practices and modalities, we’ll help you tap into your inner strength and wisdom. Our focus is on helping you find what works best for you, rather than fitting you into a rigid framework.


  • Support: 
    Throughout our time together, we’ll provide continuous support and encouragement. Whether you’re working on personal growth, managing stress, seeking happiness, understanding your limiting beliefs, or enhancing your relationships, we’re here for you every step of the way.


Areas of Focus

  • Finding Balance: 
    We’ll explore ways to bring harmony into your life, ensuring you have time for what matters most.


  • Stress Management: 
    Learn how to handle stress effectively and maintain a calm, centered state of mind.


  • Authentic Living: 
    Discover and embrace your true self, aligning your actions with your deepest values and beliefs.


  • Personal Growth: 
    Break free from limiting beliefs and old habits, empowering yourself to reach new heights.


  • Clarity of Self: 
    Discover a deep and rich understanding of why you are like you are and understand how you can change what you dislike.


  • Passion & Purpose: 
    Rediscover your mojo and learn how to rewire and re-program yourself to break down barriers and thrive in life no matter where you are today.


Our Unique Approach

We offer a blend of practices that feel right for you, ensuring you can integrate them naturally into your life.

From inner growth work, mindfulness and meditation to emotional processing and personal profiling, we provide tools that are easy to apply and highly effective.

Our sessions are designed to be engaging and insightful, helping you grow in a way that feels authentic and sustainable.

Who We Work With

  • Coaches:
    Support and development to enhance their coaching skills with personal growth. Allowing them to reach a deeper personal and emotional level with themselves and their clients, propelling them to thrive with a limitless mindset.

  • Individuals: 
    Personalised group and 1:1 coaching to meet your unique needs.

  • Groups: 
    Collaborative sessions to foster collective growth and support.

  • Small to Medium Businesses: 
    Tailored programs to enhance team dynamics and performance.

  • Corporate: 
    Comprehensive strategies to improve workplace well-being and productivity.

Our Passion

To enable people to become better everyday and be themselves, and yes, we bring that same holistic passion and energy into everything we do.

Our goal is to help you live a vibrant, fulfilling life where you can enjoy every moment as your true self and freedom from limiting beliefs.

Join us at Intrinsic Living and start your journey towards a more balanced, authentic, and empowered life. Let’s work together to help you thrive!

Health and Wellness should be a FOCUS in your life..

I can honestly tell you I have been there and have now seen the other side. And it is so much better than the suffering and wondering.

I had a successful IT business for 30 years and pushed through burn outs 3 times, until one day I just had to make a change.
I all of a sudden started to wake up at 2am in the morning and my mind was a roller coaster that could not be shut down.

I noticed I would have flat days for no apparent reason, just felt a little low and lost motivation. I’d lost my zing in life and all the weight of family, work and socialising became a driving low.

On paper I had everything, well for me anyway … I had a beautiful family, a house, nice cars and a booming business and time to surf 🙂

I just couldnt work out what was wrong or why. It is such a hard feeling to open up about and I felt I had no-one to listen.

I welcome you to Intrinsic Living Academy

I learned that I was always putting others first and not filling my own bucket… ever !
I enjoyed my family time and lifestyle however I couldn’t appreciate it because I was experiencing these unfamiliar lows.

I soon discovered the most powerful relationships all start with yourself, and once your cup fills, so does everyone else’s.

I had to learn to love and respect myself again.

When we build our Intrinsic Inner Self and rekindle our own internal relationship, we no longer need to seek approval from others . We regain our passion, purpose and Self worth.

This powerful realisation changes you forever. Living from an Intrinsic Inner Growth phase clearly defines you as who you really are.
Nothing is hidden, pushed away or ignored. It all makes up YOU as a human and is why you are here now in this present moment.

Your life changes, your family life changes, your social life changes,and your work life changes.
You become your Intrinsic self again and life is lived out fulfilling your dreams and desires, no matter what they are.

When we live our lives seeing through the eyes of Love, Share, Care, Trust & Co-Exist. We form an Intrinsic Knowledge of our Inner Selves and feel a profound warmth to deliver these eyes back to the community.

We are all unique and you are 100% not alone.
I am here for you and would love to guide and assist you in finding your truth, your authentic Intrinsic life.

Craig Young - Transformational Coach Inner Growth Coach

Let's chat...

You’ll feel comfortable knowing you’ve taken the first step towards Inner Growth where you will learn some of your Intrinsic values.


What They Say About Us

in their own words…